Treatment under conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is commonly referred to as midazolam sedation and is administered orally.

The child is fully conscious throughout the treatment. Midazolam has one major effect – throughout its application, we have no recollection of what happened. The child does not remember the treatment, thus preventing trauma from an unpleasant procedure. Sometimes a tooth cannot be saved and needs to be extracted. This method is especially suitable for these unpleasant but quick procedures, such as extractions.
Sometimes, Midazolam has a calming effect; the child may become sleepy, but in other cases, they may laugh a lot or even get very excited. The effects are very individual, and the only guaranteed outcome is amnesia.

Unfortunately, you cannot rely on the smooth course of the treatment, so this method is suitable only for short, quick procedures like extractions or small, simple fillings.

What is the course of the treatment?

  1. We start with a consultation and examination of the child. This is essential to ensure that we have have enough information about your child and that you have sufficient information from us.
  2. We will propose a treatment method (if conscious sedation is suitable for your child) and we will draw up a treatment and price plan. If you agree with our plan, we will schedule the actual treatment for you.
  3. The child will be given a syrup drink (unfortunately, it doesn't taste good, but the child will have to drink only a few milliliters). After about 20-30 minutes, the treatment will begin.
  4. During the procedure, the child will sit in your lap. Due to the often unpleasant nature of the procedure, it will be necessary to hold the child. The child remains conscious throughout, with defense reflexes intact, and they will often resist the treatment. This should be expected. 
  5. After the procedure, you will stay for approximately 1.5 hours for observation. The child will rest and then be discharged into your care, with instructions for a calm recovery period under your supervision.

We will take care of uncooperative children

  1. We start with a consultation and examination of the child. This is essential to ensure that we have have enough information about your child and that you have sufficient information from us.
  2. If it is possible and if you do not have one yet, we will make an X-ray image of your child's oral cavity.
  3. We will propose a treatment method and draw up a treatment and price plan.
  4. You will receive all materials from us in a digital format, so that you have them available at all times and do not have to worry about losing some printed documents. If you agree with our plan, we will proceed with the scheduling of the actual treatment of your child.