We will take care of uncooperative children

Have dental visits been an unpleasant experience for you so far? At our clinic, we know how to take care of all children – those who do not handle dental treatment well with other doctors, as well as those who have no problems with dental procedures whatsoever. However, we totally understand that with some patients, verbal persuasion and a good word just won't make it, thus requiring a special approach, which may include the use of general anaesthesia. Some children are too young for other treatment methods, or the amount of cavities and tooth damage is too extensive.

Certain unpleasant dental surgical procedures are also best performed under general anaesthesia.


We know how to treat even children who left their doctor clueless. 


What is the course of the procedure?

  1. We start with a consultation and the examination of the child. This is an essential first step to ensure that we have have enough information about your child and that you have sufficient information from us.
  2. If we have not made one yet, we will make an X-ray image of your child's teeth.
  3. We will propose a treatment method (if general anaesthesia is sutiable for your child) and draw up a treatment and price plan. If you agree with the plan, you will schedule the actual treatment of your child.
  4. Children are usually put to sleep via inhalation. You are with them for the entire time they are inhaling anaesthetic gas through a nasal mask and while they are still conscious. After the induction of anaesthesia, you leave, and the child is under the constant supervision of an experienced paediatric anaesthetist and their nurse throughout the procedure.
  5. After the treatment, the child wakes up in the recovery room, where you are reunited with them. They rest and are then discharged for home care and a calm recovery under your supervision.

 What to do before the procedure?

  • Schedule appointments, especially for younger children, during times of the day when you know the child won’t be tired, sleepy, or hungry.
  • Watch out for any early symptoms of colds or other illnesses that may complicate treatment.
  • Simply prepare your child for what they might expect and let them know the doctor will be checking their teeth. Don't mention any personal unpleasant experience. We will give you more detailed information in the consultation.
  • Let your child bring its favourite toy.
  • Stay in the background during the treatment, but also make sure your presence and support is felt.

We know that the health and satisfaction of your child is your utmost priority.

Therefore, let us solve any problems as soon as possible and in a comprehensive way.

We help hundreds of children every year and we will make sure you leave our clinic with a smile on your face too.